Alumni Login Form


To be a premier Institution of choice in the region and become one of the leading educational Institutions in the country widely recognized for providing high quality, transformative and affordable value based education in the field of Engineering and Technology.


We are committed to excellence in technical education that is strongly anchored on a system of superior and ethical values and dedication to our long term objective of becoming the premier institution in the field, constantly responsive to the needs of the times and directed to serve the nation and the world.

  1. Silence should be maintained.
  2. While entering and leaving the library, users are supposed to leave thumb impression in the Biometric Gate Register.
  3. No member should bring any printed book or note book into the Library.
  4. Students should examine each book before borrowing it and report to the librarian in-case of damage.
  5. Books must not be marked or defaced or damaged or torn. Borrowers (students and staffs) are responsible for the defects.
  6. Overdue charges shall be imposed for each day if the book is overdue even though the student is absent.
  7. Date labels shall not be tampered.
  8. No faculty or students is not allowed to lend the library book to outsiders.
  9. Faculty and Students will not be allowed to take books until the library Bar-code ID is produced.
  10. Take care of the Bar-code ID as you are responsible for the book borrowed upon the Bar-code ID.
  11. Mobile phones are strictly prohibited in Library.